The Prizes:
1st Prize: $ 60.00 Spezia Restaurant Gift Card. The Spezia gift card can be redeemed at any of these locations.
2nd Prize: $25.00 Crane Coffee Gift Card. The Crane gift card can be redeemed at any of these Omaha locations.
3rd Prize: $15.00 T’s Pet Sitting Gift Certificate (or cash, whichever you prefer)
The Date:
Drawings will be held on July 4, 2014.
We will videotape the drawings and post it the same day!
Who can Enter?:
Anyone can enter one time only.
How long do I have to Enter?:
You have until July 3, 2014 11:59pm
How do I Enter?:
1. Go to the ‘Contact Us’ on the right side of any page on the T’s Pet Sitting Website. This is the only way to be eligible for a prize.
2. Enter your name, phone number and email address (we won’t contact you unless you win any of the prizes).
3. Click the ‘Choose Service’ dropdown box and select ‘Giveaway’.
Please note: On some web browsers you need to enter a Start Date and Return Date (just put in today’s date).
4. Enter the spam prevention equation
5. Click submit
That’s it!
Good luck and thanks for being part of our Giveaway!